
Surconsommation et réchauffement

En décembre dernier, le Dalai Lama a accordé une interview lors de son déplacement au Japon. Il parle d'émotions, du Tibet, de sa succession et du réchauffement de la planète. C'est l'extrait que je vous copie ci dessous.

Consumerism is an unrealistic attitude to take. It's unrealistic to think that resources are limitless and that consuming more is our basic right. There are limits to natural resources.

So we have to think about our lifestyles in a way that will make us content. This is very much tied up with our moral principles. If other people feel happy, naturally we feel happy. If your neighbor is facing starvation and you don't care and you carry on with your consumerism, it is morally wrong. But it's also a question of practicality. Those nations with higher living standards will eventually face problems. So it is better to know that, and with that knowledge, people will be more content with their lifestyles. Otherwise you always expect a higher, higher, higher income — then one day it will be stuck and you will be totally shocked, and in some cases suicide also occurs.

This is related to another important thing. We are part of humanity; Japan is part of the world. If a critical situation occurs in the world economy, the Japanese economy will also suffer. That is today's reality. Therefore you should have a holistic view. Everything is interdependent. Everything is interconnected.

Now the environment issue. Of course, I learned about the environment issue only after I went to India. When I was in Tibet, everything was very pure. I think the nature of god purified our air, our water, our soil. (Laughs heartily.)

(But) the environment issue is really very, very serious. So through education we must make clear the consequences of the gap between the rich and poor and about consuming limitlessly. These are short-sighted and unrealistic views.

One real problem is the population. There should be a limited population and higher living standards. That's very, very important. I think there are a lot of problems involved.

    Si vous voulez le lire l'interview en intégral c'est sur son site officiel
    Si vous voulez le lire l'interview en français, allez sur le site de Tsewa.

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